

The dream team of the Mottolino bikepark,
to guarantee your biking days in our company.

There is a team at Mottolino that has an important task: to make you find the paths of our bike park in the best conditions not only for the opening of the season, but for all months
of riding, guaranteeing you endless fun.
We often try to show you behind the scenes through images, photos, videos and IG stories, but what we can show you is a small part of what goes on. Just imagine a year like 2020, with a bad and cold month of May and snow-covered slopes until the bikepark opens: can you think of yourself here, in the middle of the cold, trying to free the paths from the snow and the ice, to work with bare hands to fix the structures of the North shore area trying to remember between a block of snow and the other the inclination of the ground to reach the perfect jump? And think that this is just one of the many situations to manage and deal with, in the best way, to guarantee everyone the maximum quality of our paths.


"What do you do?"
"The Shaper!"

"The Shaper! I'm the one who works on the Mottolino bikepark trails. That in the month of May begins to free the tracks from the snowdrifts with the support of heavy vehicles, the one that armed with a shovel and an ice axle removes a stone, or fixes it better so that it does not make your tires slip, that takes care of the details to not let you risk anything, but at the same time prepares you crazy tracks full of adrenaline.

I am the one you meet in the early morning on jeeps that go up to the Mottolino and that together with his companions walks every day tens of kilometers on foot to reach all the points of the 14 paths that need maintenance.

I am always the one who engages in every way to prepare new fun obstacles to jump or to go through, although I have only natural material at my disposal and that with which I can build you a real playground.

I am the one who walks along the paths with you to see if I have worked well, see what I can improve or what new project can I propose to expand the offer. And the one that at the end of the day I stops at Kosmo to drink a beer in company,
to hear the various opinions.
I'm the shaper, the one who shapes your fun days! "

"Ah .."
