All Inclusive Bikepark
All Inclusive Try to Ride
The all-inclusive offer for experiencing 3 hours of pure riding in the Mottolino Bikepark.
The all-inclusive offer for experiencing 3 hours of pure riding in the Mottolino Bikepark.
The all-inclusive offer for experiencing 3 hours of pure riding in the Mottolino Bikepark.
All Inclusive DH Junior
With the All-Inclusive package, all you have to think about is enjoying yourself. Offer includes: bikepass + bike + protective gear and helmet. Get your ride on!
Experience the thrill of the Bikepark with the All-Inclusive package which includes bikepass, bike, protective gear and helmet, all in one offer.
With the All-Inclusive package, all you have to think about is enjoying yourself. Offer includes: bikepass + bike + protective gear and helmet. Get your ride on!
All Inclusive DH Entry Level
Experience the adrenaline of the Bikepark with our All-Inclusive Entry-Level package. And, if you want to raise the bar, ask to upgrade your bike at the Mottolino rental shop.
The ideal package for your first descents in the Bikepark. Slash 8 M23 + protective gear + bikepass, with the option of upgrading your bike at any time.
All Inclusive DH Premium
Bikepass + Furious Ride M22 + protective gear: this is the All-Inclusive Premium package for riding the Bikepark from sun up to sun down.
Everything you need for Premium-level Bikepark riding: bikepass + bike + protective gear and helmet, with the option of upgrading the model at any time.
The All-Inclusive package for a Premium-level experience: bikepass + Trek Session 8 + protective gear and helmet, with the option of upgrading the model at any time.
All Inclusive DH Exclusive
Top-of-the-range offer including top-of-the-range model: bikepass + Trek Session C29 + protective gear and helmet. What more could you want?
All Inclusive Enduro Entry Level
The All-Inclusive Entry-Level package is ideal for your first descents in the Bikepark astride an enduro MTB, with the option of upgrading the model at any time.
All Inclusive Enduro Premium
The All-Inclusive Premium package, perfect for testing yourself in the Bikepark with an enduro MTB: offer includes bikepass, bike, protective gear and helmet.
The premium experience you’re looking for in Mottolino Bikepark: bikepass + Trek Remedy 9.8 with protective gear and helmet.