

Start using your Mottolino App now and discover a world of exclusive benefits reserved for you! Discover countless discounts, benefits and special activities in Livigno and Valdidentro and immediately accumulate your points.
For every euro spent, you will be charged a point on your Mottolino APP.
When you reach 1,000 points you will switch to the Gold band and 10,000 to the Platinum band, always enjoying greater advantages!

Mottolino Huts: M’eating Point – Camanel di Planon Kosmo4%10%15%
Rental Dr. Rent: Winter – In Store4%10%15%
Noleggio Dr. Rent: Winter – Online15%18%10%
Noleggio Dr. Rent: Summer – Only Online10%10%10%
Larix Park – Online and at Ticket Office5%10%15%
La Galleria: Hi Tech1% 2%3%
La Galleria: Jewelry store3%5%7%
La Galleria: Glasses – Leather goods – Mottolino Store – Wellness3%5%10%
Plazique: Perfumery and Clothing3%5%10%
 Q8: Fuel1%2%3%
 Q8: Duty Free3%5%10%
Mottolino Fun Mountain  Ride with the Snow Cat (Only in Winter)
Rental Dr. RentCourtesy ski service
(Only in Winter)
Courtesy ski service
(Only in Winter)
Courtesy ski service
(Only in Winter)
 Boots sanitizing
(Only in Winter)
Boots sanitizing
(Only in Winter)
 50% discount on All-Inclusive Daily package
(Only Summer)
Daily free All-Inclusive package
(Only Summer)
Cima PiazziDiscounted fares at the gondola ticket office Discounted fares at the gondola ticket officeDiscounted fares at the gondola ticket office 
Plazique – La Galleria

 Personal ShopperPersonal Shopper
  Shopping Delivery directly to the hotel